graph for each column

Support questions for Flow CSV Viewer and Editor.
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graph for each column

Post by eugened »

Hi Gustav,

Many thanks for your program !!!

How can I plot VPD and temp on separate graphs?



02.06.2021_19.24.17_REC.png (57.36 KiB) Viewed 22903 times
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Re: graph for each column

Post by Waveworks »

Hi Eugene, you are welcome, glad you appreciate it! Simply drag the name of the variable to the area below, where it says "Drag a variable name here to create a new cell." Hope that helps! /Gustaf
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Re: graph for each column

Post by Adrrian »

Hello everybody and and thank you for Flow CSW software!
Due my low skills, when I import the CSV file into Flow CSW software, it's shown as a table only (see attached), not as a chart. Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I would like the chart to look like in the original Hioki software (that is ancient and have no options to scale the axis, but also have small size on display)
I will attach a print-screen and a sample of CSV file (I added JPG extension top be uploaded).
Flow CSW 1.0.4-mic.jpg
Flow CSW 1.0.4-mic.jpg (217.62 KiB) Viewed 22827 times
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Re: graph for each column

Post by Waveworks »

Hello! Flow automatically determines the type of a column depending on the contents of the column from the second row and on. If it contains only numbers, it will be a numeric type and the data will be shown as plots. In your case however, at least one of the values in the column contains non-numeric characters, and therefore the column is determined to be a string column, and the data is shown as in your screenshot.

To resolve the problem, you need to open the CSV file in a text editor and find the non-numeric characters and remove them. Most often the problem is in the second line, which may contain units or other textual information. In this case, just remove the second line, save and try again.

Also go to File -> Preferences -> CSV Import and check that all drop-down options are set to Auto Detect. That's the default, but I don't know if you have changed them.

Hope this helps! /Gustaf
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Re: graph for each column

Post by Adrrian »

Mr. Gustaf, many thanks for your support!
I deleted all the rows and columns marked in red border (1st print-screen), however now I see two graphs instead of one (2nd print-screen). Also, each time I start the application, the antivirus displays a message:
- the authenticity of the domain to which the encrypted connection has been established cannot be guaranteed
- application -
- URl address - 35.156.4 .....
- reason - self-signed certificate
Kind regards / Adrian
CSV file-issue2-mic.jpg
CSV file-issue2-mic.jpg (207.6 KiB) Viewed 22819 times
CSV file-issue-mic.jpg
CSV file-issue-mic.jpg (101.53 KiB) Viewed 22819 times
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Re: graph for each column

Post by Waveworks »

Mr Adrian, you are welcome! :)

First, yes you need to remove that header from your CSV file - Flow will not be able to automatically detect where the actual data starts. However, it's enough to delete rows 1-10 - you can leave row 11 with the variable names, and these names will show up under "Variable" in the variable view to the left of the plots. Also you don't strictly need to delete that column - it will be loaded, but you can just disable it by clicking its checkbox under Display.

It is normal that Flow places plots in different groups when their value ranges differ considerably. You can simply drag the variable names (currently 1.06E-07 and 1.14E-07 because the first row has been taken as variable names) up into the upper group, and they will all merge into one group. To avoid this grouping behavior in the future, you can go to File -> Preferences -> Data Editor and change "Auto distribute variable into cells on opening" to "Never" and click OK. After that, all variables will be placed in one single group.

With regard to the antivirus warning, thanks for the heads-up - I'll have to look into that! You can safely block the connection if you want - it's only critical for the Send Feedback/Bug Report command in the Help menu.

Hope this helps!
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Re: graph for each column

Post by Adrrian »

Thank you for support! Yes, your information helped me a lot, now it works great!
I still have an issue printing to PDF file, but I have not studied the problem in detail. I'll be back with an update.
Greetings! / Adrian
Posts: 176
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Re: graph for each column

Post by Waveworks »

I'm glad it works for you! You're of course welcome to write again. If it's a new topic, consider starting a new thread with a new title rather than continuing this one - that way, it will be easier for other users to find answers in here. :)

Best regards /Gustaf
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