Toggling Auto-reload?

Support questions for Flow CSV Viewer and Editor.
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Toggling Auto-reload?

Post by Robbin401 »

I apologize if this is a dumb question, I looked through the support documentation and the forums but couldn't find an answer.

Previously before this recent update, I could use Flow to view a live-updated file and when I wanted to view the most recent information, I'd click out of the window, back in and then click "Out All". Then I could go through to look for the information I need.

After the recent update, when the window is in focus, it continually updates to the point where it hangs up Flow every few seconds. I understand this is probably a combination of my hardware limitation and the file I'm looking at, but I was wondering if there was a way to toggle off the auto-reload when the file is updated?

Thanks for your time!
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Re: Toggling Auto-reload?

Post by Waveworks »


I have to admit that this use case hadn't crossed my mind, and I'm afraid there is no way to turn it off in the current version. I'll certainly add that option for the next version, but it will be at least a month or two before I release a new version.

If you installed the app from the home page (as opposed to Windows Store), you may be able to downgrade by right-clicking the app icon and choose "Restore previous versions". If not, the best advice I can give you is to open a copy of your live-updating file and then copy it again each time you want to see the latest updates. Maybe a batch script would make it less painful.

Hope this helps!

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Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2022 1:15 pm

Re: Toggling Auto-reload?

Post by Robbin401 »

Thanks for the quick reply!

I'll do the file copy work around for now until you are able to update it. Thanks again.
Posts: 170
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Re: Toggling Auto-reload?

Post by Waveworks »

Hi again, version 1.1.3 has now been released, and in this version, immediate reload is now optional, so this should fix your problem.

Best regards,
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