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user.config file

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:40 pm
The user config file stores the colours and groups. The file is only saved when FlowCSV is closed. If the PC crashes then the file is not saved. In my case I have FlowCSV open most of the time and it often closes by a crash or reboot, so I lose all my colours and groups.

My suggestion is that the file is saved automatically every time a change is made, or add a manual "Save config" function.

Re: user.config file

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:56 am
by Waveworks
Hello again Tony, thank you for your suggestion! I think the current view settings system is a bit flawed, and the next major version will support view settings in the project file rather than in user.config, which I think would solve your problem. But I can't say when it will be released... If I release a maintenance update in the meantime, I'll implement your suggestion as a workaround.

I hope it's not Flow itself that crashes often for you? If that's the case, can you tell me more about when and how it crashes?