Request: Custom statistic calculation for select tool statistics bar

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Request: Custom statistic calculation for select tool statistics bar

Post by Dowapa »

This occurred to me this morning while experimenting with some data I have collected. I would be really nice if something similar to formulas could be added to the general statistics bar at the bottom when you select a section of data (the bar that lists count, min, max, sum, average, This way, if I wanted to find the percent jump from the lowest value in a section to the highest, instead of highlighting the section getting the min and max and calculating the figure myself, I could just input the equation I wanted it to figure and record my results for sections I selected.

In addition to letting you do equations, if you included functions that preform operations over the selected section (like sum, integrals, product, mode, average, stdev) then analyzing and iterating theory on data could be done much quicker.

Using these if I wanted to manually calculate variance (this is just an example, I know you could just square the equation might look something like the following:

variance = (sum(x**2) - (sum(x)**2) / count()

And variance= would appear next to all of the other statistics (maybe bolded or indicated with an arrow to show it's custom)

Just a thought/feature that I think would add functionality and versatility to the program as a whole. Of course if really needed someone could just select and cut the data they wanted to and run their own coding scripts, but adding it directly would make things easier. Thanks for consideration! :D
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Re: Request: Custom statistic calculation for select tool statistics bar

Post by Waveworks »

Thank you for continuing sharing your thoughts! The statistics bar definitely needs to be improved and I can see how it's currently too limited. I'll keep your suggestions in mind while making big plans for future releases! :)

Best regards,
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