
Reverts the last editing operation. An editing operation is an operation that modifies a source file. Hence, commands like save, compile, and add file can not be undone. Undo never affects the clipboard contents. There is one undo stack for each open source file, so the Undo command will always undo the last action on the currently active file. RTflow supports multi-level undo, which means that a sequence of many editing actions can be undone by using the Undo command repeatedly. The size of the undo stack can be changed with the Options command.

Notice that in the current version of RTflow, undoing a port rename will not properly update other files with references to the port. After undoing a port rename, the schematic should be compiled, and the message view should be inspected for possibly removed connections in other files.

Keyboard shortcut



Available if the active tab is a source file and this source file has been modified since it was opened. In addition, the editor must be focused; if it is not, click it to focus it.

See also
