
Changes properties of the selected element. A window appears, where you can edit properties of the selected element. The window is non-modal, which means that you can still interact with the main window while the Properties window is open. If another element is selected while the Properties window is open, the window will change its contents to show the properties for the new element. If no element is selected, the properties for the entire source file will be shown.

The controls in the Properties window are different depending on what type of element is selected. Descriptions of available properties for schematics and schematic elements are given in the Properties section.

Clicking the OK button applies the chosen property values to the selected element and closes the dialog. Clicking the Apply button applies the chosen property values to the selected element but leaves the dialog open. Finally, clicking the Cancel dialog closes the dialog without applying the values.

Keyboard shortcut



Available if the active tab is a source file. In addition, the editor must be focused; if it is not, click it to focus it.