Main Window Keyboard Shortcuts

Some commands are available as keyboard shortcuts. These commands are summarized in the following table.

If the schematic editor is open, additional keyboard shortcuts for editing operations are available. These shortcuts are listed in the Schematic Editor Keyboard Shortcuts section.

Shortcut Command Description
Ctrl-N New Schematic Creates a new schematic.
Ctrl-O Open... Opens an existing file.
Ctrl-S Save Saves the active file.
Ctrl-F4 Close Closes the active tab.
Ctrl-P Print... Prints the active file.
Ctrl-Z Undo Reverts the last editing operation.
Ctrl-Alt-Z Redo Reverts the last undo.
Ctrl-X Cut Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard.
Ctrl-C Copy Copies the selection and puts it on the clipboard.
Ctrl-V Paste Inserts clipboard contents.
Ctrl-A Select All Selects all elements.
Alt-Enter Properties... Changes properties of the selected element.
Ctrl-+ Add Files... Adds files to the project.
F11 Compile Compiles the active file.
F9 Simulate Starts or steps forward the simulator.
F10 Generate code Generates implementation code.
Ctrl-U Find Usages Finds usages of the active file.
F1 Help Opens help.