The Blocks Tree

The blocks tree is the container of all available blocks for use in the schematic editor, available under the Blocks tab in the tree view in the left part of the main window. The blocks are organized in a tree, rather than in a list, in order to facilitate navigation. On the first level of subdivision, all blocks are categorized into one of four different kinds of blocks, as follows:

In the current version of RTflow, there is no way to reorganize the blocks tree. The only modifications that are possible are to add and remove blocks of the User folder. User blocks are added by adding a new schematic to the project and compiling it, and a user block is deleted by removing its source file from the project.

Right-clicking a block in the blocks tree brings up a context menu with the following commands:

Command Description
Add to Schematic Adds an instance of the block to the currently active schematic.
Edit Source Opens the source file that defines the block.