
Name Symbol Description
Abs Computes the absolute value of a real-valued signal.
Distance Computes the distance between two points.
Length Computes the length of a vector.
Max Selects the greatest value out of two real-valued signals.
Min Selected the smallest value out of two real-valued signals.
Negation Negates a real-valued signal.
SafeArctan2 Computes the angle of a two-dimensional vector and avoids math errors.
SafeDiv Divides two real-valued signals and avoids math errors.
Saturation Limits a real-valued signal between a lower and an upper bound.
Sqr Computes the square of a real-valued signal.
Average Computes the average of a real-valued signal over time.
Count Counts the number of cycles that a boolean signal has been 1.
D Holds the value of a real-valued signal.
Derivative Differentiates a real-valued signal.
Integral Integrates a real-valued signal.
IntegralWithReset Integrates a real-valued signal and allows resetting.
Pid Computes a control value given a setpoint signal and process signal using a PID algorithm.
PositiveEdge Detects when a boolean signal switches from 0 to 1.
SetReset Stores which out of two boolean signals last had a positive edge.
T Computes the elapsed real time.
Clock Generates a square wave.
Ramp Generates a signal that increases or decreases at a fixed rate.
Degrees2Radians Converts an angle in degrees to radians.
NormalizeAngle Transposes an angle in radians to the interval [-pi,+pi].