
Name Symbol Description
Bool Converts a signal of any type to boolean.
Int Converts a signal of any type to an integer.
Real Converts a signal of any type to a real.
If Selects one of two signals depending on a third boolean signal.
Not Inverts a boolean signal.
And Computes the logical and of two boolean signals.
Or Computes the logical or of two boolean signals.
Xor Computes the logical xor of two boolean signals.
LeftShift Shifts the bits of an integer to the left.
RightShift Shifts the bits of an integer to the right.
Add Adds two numeric signals.
Sub Subtracts two numeric signals.
Mult Multiplies two numeric signals.
Div Divides two numeric signals.
Mod Computes the modulus of two numeric signals.
Sqrt Computes the square root of a real-valued signal.
Less Determines whether one numeric signal is less than another one.
LessEqual Determines whether one numeric signal is less than or equal to another one.
Equal Determines whether one signal is equal to another one.
NotEqual Determines whether one signal is different from another one.
Greater Determines whether one numeric signal is greater than another one.
GreaterEqual Determines whether one numeric signal is greater than or equal to another one.
Gain Multiplies a real-valued signal by a constant factor.
Identity Copies a signal.
Value Constant value.
Pre Delays a signal one cycle.
Dt The real time of one execution cycle in seconds.
Sin Computes the sine of a real-valued signal.
Cos Computes the cosine of a real-valued signal.
Tan Computes the tangent of a real-valued signal.
Arctan Computes the arctangent of a real-valued signal.
Arctan2 Computes the angle of a two-dimensional vector.
Ln Computes the natural logarithm of a real-valued signal.
Exp Computes e raised to the power of a real-valued signal.
Pow Computes a real-valued signal raised to the power of another real-valued signal.