Code Generation Settings

Code Generation Settings

Code Generator. The code generator module to use, and hence, what target language to generate.

Top-Level Node. The node to generate code for. Naturally, code will also be generated for all nodes directly or indirectly used by the top-level node.

Post-Generate Command. A system command, an executable file or a batch file that will be executed after each code generation. In the case of an executable file or a batch file, the path can be both absolute or relative to the project folder, that is, the folder containing the project file. Click the Browse... button to the right of the field to select the executable or batch file using a file dialog.

The remaining settings are dependent on what code generator was chosen in the Code Generator drop-down box. For C/C++/Java, see the C/C++/Java Generator Settings section. For VHDL, see the VHDL Generator Settings section.